Telephone+39 0376 391192

Do you also sell to B2C sector?

No, we are a production company that works mainly in the B2B sector, so with productive companies or wiith retailers who sell our polyethylene products. In fact, we have developed various technological solutions dedicated to different sectors of the production industry in order to meet the specific needs of the industrial sector in question.

If you are a consumer, we are not able to guarantee the production of small batchs of our product because we don't sell in the BtoC sector.

Within the industrial sector we work for various sectors, including:

  • Clothing
  • Hosiery
  • Knitwear
  • Food
  • Cheese factories
  • Pasta factories
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Bakery
  • Logistics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biomedical
  • Packaging
  • Recycling
  • Industry (general)
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